NINE: Digital Counseling Guide for Teenagers’ Instant Messaging with AI (75516)

Session Information:

Session: On Demand
Room: Virtual Video Presentation
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation

All presentation times are UTC + 7 (Asia/Bangkok)

Technology plays a significant role in our lives, transforming industries and offering innovative applications. However, to use technology effectively, it is crucial to understand how it works. It is also essential to use technology and social media responsibly, be mindful of the time spent using it, safeguard personal information online, and treat others respectfully when using communication technologies. Instant messaging is a popular communication tool among teenagers, but it can also be a source of confusion and misinterpretation regarding emotions. The absence of nonverbal cues and tone of voice in instant messaging can make it challenging to accurately understand the emotions behind a message. The anonymity and distance of online communication can make it easy to say things we would not say in person. A digital counseling guide called Net Instant Emotions (NINE) has been designed to help young people, parents, and educators enhance their emotional intelligence and communication skills when using instant messaging. The guide covers essential topics such as active listening, empathy, nonverbal cues, tone, and emotional intelligence. These topics are crucial for respectfully and effectively navigating the emotional aspects of instant messaging. The digital guideline incorporates theoretical concepts, strategies, and practical activities to help users implement their learning. It is based on updated research on the relationship between emotional intelligence and instant messaging, making it an effective counseling tool. The digital guideline uses a modular system that provides knowledge and skills in a specific field, with each module contributing to mastery in a particular area. This approach is ideal for formal and informal educational contexts, including school activities. The crucial elements of the modules include guidance, documentation, a consistent structure, practical application of tasks and activities, and continuity throughout the system. Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and deep learning tools, the guide also provides feedback, assessment, and support for users. This presentation explores this digital tool and reports preliminary findings after pilot implementation in secondary education.

Abstract Summary
It is crucial to use technology responsibly to safeguard personal information and treat others with respect on the internet. Teenagers can benefit from the digital counseling guide called Net Instant Emotions (NINE), which can enhance their emotional intelligence and communication skills, particularly in interpreting nonverbal cues and tone. The guide employs AI and deep learning to provide feedback and assistance, and the results from a pilot implementation in secondary education are encouraging.

M. Dolores Ramirez-Verdugo, UAM-TeLL Research Group, Spain
Maria Puertas, UAM-TeLL Research Group, Spain

About the Presenter(s)
Professor M. Dolores Ramirez is a University Professor/Principal Lecturer at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid in Spain

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