Language Teaching and Research in the 3D Virtual World: A Tale From a Practitioner Researcher in Second Life (SL) (72749)

Session Information: Virtual Reality
Session Chair: Julian Chen

Saturday, 11 November 2023 11:00
Session: Session 1
Room: Thung Saliam
Presentation Type: Paper Presentation

All presentation times are UTC + 7 (Asia/Bangkok)

Aligned with WorldCALL2023 that heralds ‘CALL in Critical Times’, this presentation intends to respond to the subtheme in ‘growing diverse online communities of language learners/teachers’. It speaks for ‘newbie’ teacher researchers who venture to embark on a challenging but rewarding adventure in 3D multi-user virtual environments (MUVEs) such as Second Life (SL). Taking an autoethnographic approach, I candidly demystify the dos and don’ts in SL teaching and research while vividly walking the audience through each step of my 3D journey. Using my SL teaching blog as a storytelling hub, I illustrate how I plunged into SL teaching and research as a newbie, honed my skills in order to design SL-enabled, task-based lessons, documented what was going on, and tackled ‘anything-could-happen-in-SL’, and critically reflected on the pitfalls in the virtual sessions and savoured the a-ha moments. Specifically, I unpack how teachers can also conduct (action) research in SL, guided by pedagogically-sound, research-informed principles as in technology-mediated task-based language teaching. For instance, I exemplify how I developed a TBLT syllabus by capitalising on the unique 3D affordances that allow for real-world simulation, authentic communication, and a sense of telepresence and copresence. I also demonstrate how practitioners can carry out research in their virtual teaching by gathering multimodal data generated by SL, student task performance, ongoing participant observation, and a researcher journal. I end my presentation with lessons learned from this 3D MUVE trajectory, evidenced in my research outputs and hands-on resources for the attendees to take away.

Abstract Summary
This presentation intends to respond to the subtheme in ‘growing diverse online communities of language learners/teachers’. It speaks for ‘newbie’ teacher researchers who venture to embark on a challenging but rewarding adventure in 3D multi-user virtual environments (MUVEs) such as Second Life (SL). Taking an autoethnographic approach, I candidly demystify the dos and don’ts in SL teaching and research while vividly walking the audience through each step of my 3D journey.

Julian Chen, Curtin University, Australia

About the Presenter(s)
Julian Chen is an applied linguist and seasoned researcher at Curtin University. Julian’s research synergises technology-enhanced language teaching, game-based learning, immersive virtual reality (VR), and critical and humanising pedagogy.

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