Changes in Priority of Influencing Factors for Evaluating/Selecting Online Materials: Are They Intuition- or Research-Based? (73230)
Session Chair: Kyria Finardi
Sunday, 12 November 2023 12:15
Session: Session 2
Room: Kirimas
Presentation Type: Paper Presentation
Integrating ICT into teaching-learning processes has been one of the essential competences suggested by the British Council’s Continuing Professional Development Framework (2015) for teachers. Within this competence, evaluating the potential effectiveness and appropriacy of digital content, tools, and platforms for achieving desired learning outcomes is a practice that is expected in teachers. Past studies in the context of language learning have suggested several factors of evaluation that need to be considered before planning a lesson among a few language learning potentials, meaning focus, learner fit, authenticity, positive impact, and practicalities (Chapelle, 2001; Davies, 2005; Egbert, 2005; Laurillard, 2002). However, teachers do not always know these factors that stem from research. Instead, teachers may rely on their intuitions and perceptions of practical factors that influence their immediate contexts.
This study aims to look at the change of priority of the influencing factors in evaluating/selecting online materials that 300 in-service teachers make before and after two workshops of integrating ICT in creating lesson plans as part of a larger teacher professional development program. The study is quantitative and qualitative in nature, employing pre- and post-survey questionnaires and interviews. The data from the questionnaires are analysed using descriptive statistics to capture the change of priority of influencing factors in online material evaluation/selection. The interview data are analysed thematically to explain the teachers’ reasons for changing their priority of the factors.
This study is beneficial to measure whether interventions in the form of workshops to transfer knowledge and skills in the area of CALL are impactful in the development of competence in integrating ICT into lesson plans and if the knowledge and skills in evaluating/selecting online materials are based on evidence from research rather than teachers’ intuition. Supposedly such a transfer of knowledge and skills does not occur, it is interesting to explore why teachers are adamant in employing past research into their lesson plans and to offer insights to teacher educators and CALL researchers of what needs to be emphasised in CALL-related teacher professional development.
Abstract Summary
Integrating ICT into a lesson has been one of the essential teacher competences suggested by the British Council’s Continuing Professional Development Framework (2015) in evaluating the potential effectiveness and appropriacy of digital content, tools, and platforms for achieving desired learning outcomes. Past CALL studies have suggested several influencing factors of evaluation in planning a lesson (Chapelle, 2001; Davies, 2005; Egbert, 2005; Laurillard, 2002). However, teachers may only rely on their intuitions in deciding the factors.
This study aims to look at the change of priority of the influencing factors in evaluating/selecting online materials and the reasons for the change of 300 in-service teachers before and after attending two workshops on integrating ICT in creating lesson plans through the quantitative and qualitative methodology. This study offers insights to teacher educators and CALL researchers into what needs to be emphasised in CALL-related teacher professional development.
Neny Isharyanti, Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, Indonesia
Ardiyarso Kurniawan, Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, Indonesia
About the Presenter(s)
Neny Isharyanti is an assistant professor in English Language Education of Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, Salatiga, Indonesia. Her research interests are in teacher professional development and technology-enhanced language learning.
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