Developing an m-learning Framework for Teacher Learning in Low-resourced Context (73428)

Session Information: Online and Mobile Learning
Session Chair: Kalyan Chattopadhyay

Saturday, 11 November 2023 12:15
Session: Session 2
Room: Sri Sachanalai
Presentation Type: Paper Presentation

All presentation times are UTC + 7 (Asia/Bangkok)

The positive impact of mobile devices on learning opportunities and skill development is extensively documented. Although mobile learning (m-learning) offers significant advantages, its successful implementation to enhance learning and foster teachers' knowledge and skills faces challenges in countries with limited resources and infrastructure. Issues such as inadequate technology and communication networks, unstable internet connectivity, scarcity of mobile devices, restricted access to these devices, insufficient infrastructure, and unreliable electricity supply compound the difficulties in deploying m-learning for teachers in these countries. Moreover, there is a lack of practical studies investigating the adaptation and long-term viability of mobile devices for teacher learning in such contexts.

The absence of a comprehensive m-learning framework in low-resourced countries is another obstacle. While insights from other contexts are available, there remains a dearth of research on m-learning frameworks for these challenging contexts.

This paper aims to present an m-learning framework for teacher learning by drawing upon a comprehensive review of successful frameworks integrated into studies and state policies in various countries between 2008 and 2023. The goal is to adapt the elements of these frameworks to create a suitable m-learning framework for low-resourced contexts. Key elements of the proposed framework include compatibility across operating systems, support for various types of multimedia content, offline access to content, an intuitive and user-friendly interface, assessment through quizzes, tests to keep learners motivated, monitoring learner performance, and timely feedback provision, etc. Teachers will benefit from this comprehensive and contextually appropriate m-learning framework to enhance their learning experience on mobile devices.

Abstract Summary
It is well-documented that the use of mobile devices enhances learning opportunities and contributes to the knowledge and skill development of teachers. Despite such affordances, the actual use of m-learning for supporting teacher development in countries with low resources and limited infrastructure has remained inadequate. This paper presents an m-learning framework for teacher learning based on a comprehensive review of the deployment of m-learning frameworks in various countries between 2008 and 2023. The key elements adapted from these frameworks include compatibility issues, support for multimedia content, access to content in low-resourced contexts, a user-friendly interface, assessment types for learner engagement, mechanism for tracking learner progress, and feedback provision, etc. This comprehensive and contextually appropriate m-learning framework will enhance the teacher learning experience on mobile devices.

Kalyan Chattopadhyay, University of Calcutta, India

About the Presenter(s)
Professor Kalyan Chattopadhyay is a University Associate Professor/Senior Lecturer at University of Calcutta in India

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