Exploring Emotional Functioning of Nonverbal Cues in Language Learning Task Performance Through Instagram Chats (74853)

Session Information: General CALL
Session Chair: Joy Egbert

Monday, 13 November 2023 09:50
Session: Session 1
Room: Room B (Live Stream)
Presentation Type: Live-Stream Presentation

All presentation times are UTC + 7 (Asia/Bangkok)

Emotion, intertwined with cognition, plays an important role in the success of language learning. Positive emotions, in particular, can bolster learner engagement and motivation in task communication. However, the remote nature of online learning can sometimes pose emotional challenges due to the physical (and psychological) distance between learners and the limited nonverbal cues available for conveying meaning. The availability of multimodal features, such as emojis and other visual aids in text chat or gestures and facial expressions in video chats, has brought life and emotion into online language learning. Therefore, exploring the functions of emotion enacted by nonverbal cues during task performance on platforms such as Instagram could shed light on language learners’ dynamic interaction in social media. Guided by a sociocognitive perspective, this study investigated how thirty-six first-year Indonesian business school students utilised nonverbal cues for completing English language learning tasks via Instagram chats. Employing multimodal interaction analysis, this study depicted a detailed micro-analysis of students’ interactions during nine communicative task sessions, including information, opinion, and reasoning gap tasks, through Instagram text and video chats on their smartphones outside the classroom. Findings revealed that learners utilised nonverbal cues on Instagram chats not only to express their emotion but also humour and appreciation. The use of emojis (e.g., , , ) in text chat or gestures (e.g., iconic thumbs up, Okay hand gesture) in video chat to express emotion, humour and appreciation created intimacy and a positive online social climate. This study offers a comprehensive perspective on the role of emotions in the context of online learning, especially by its capacity to capture the interplay of all available modes used during task performance through Instagram chats. It also illuminates the significant roles of nonverbal cues in enhancing the effectiveness of online language learning and fostering a more engaging and emotionally enriched learning environment.

Abstract Summary
This research explored the significant roles of nonverbal cues, especially those related to emotions, in enhancing online language learning via Instagram. Guided by a sociocognitive perspective, this study investigated how thirty-six first-year Indonesian business school students utilised nonverbal cues to complete nine communicative tasks via Instagram chats outside the classroom. This study employed multimodal interaction analysis to capture a comprehensive perspective of emotions by investigating the different modes, including verbal and nonverbal cues, used during task performances. Findings revealed that learners utilised nonverbal cues on Instagram chat not only to express their emotions but also humour and appreciation. The use of emojis (e.g., , , ) in text chat or gestures (e.g., iconic thumbs-up) in video chat to express emotion, humour and appreciation created intimacy and a positive online social climate. Thus, the study underscores the importance of nonverbal cues in creating an engaging and emotionally rich online learning environment.

Muntaha Muntaha, Curtin University, Australia
Julian Chen, Curtin University, Australia
Toni Dobinson, Curtin University, Australia

About the Presenter(s)
Mr Muntaha Muntaha is a University Doctoral Student at Curtin University in Australia

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