Unlocking Linguacultural Learning: Integrating Virtual Exchange in Secondary Education (74856)

Session Information: Telecollaboration/Virtual Exchange
Session Chair: Meei-Ling Liaw

Saturday, 11 November 2023 10:30
Session: Session 1
Room: Sri Nakron
Presentation Type: Paper Presentation

All presentation times are UTC + 7 (Asia/Bangkok)

This presentation explores the transformative potential of virtual exchange (VE) experiences in secondary education. VE involves digitally connecting students from diverse cultural backgrounds, in order to foster meaningful intercultural interactions and language learning opportunities (O’Dowd & Dooly, 2020). While research in VE has predominantly focused on tertiary education, there is a pressing need to explore how VE can be effectively integrated into primary and secondary curricula (Barbosa & Ferreira-Lopes, 2023; Gijsen, Canto & Jauregi-Ondarra, in press; Pennock-Speck & Clavel-Arroitia, 2018).

Recognizing this need, the E-LIVE project, an Erasmus+ initiative (2022-2024), trains teachers on how to integrate VE projects in their courses, enabling their students to actively participate in virtual exchanges. Between March and July 2023, 331 secondary school students engaged in VE experiences under the guidance of these trained teachers and their E-LIVE coaches.

This presentation showcases the pedagogical integration of VE in secondary education. By employing surveys, interviews, and analyzing exchange data, the presentation unveils the linguistic and cultural gains achieved by students through VE participation. It emphasizes the significance of integrating VE in secondary education and presents key findings regarding learner satisfaction and linguacultural development.

Through the exploration of VE's impact in secondary education, this presentation aims to inspire educators and policymakers to harness the potential of virtual exchange, while fostering enhanced language proficiency and intercultural competence among students.

Kristi Jauregi-Ondarra, Utrecht University, Netherlands
Silvia Canto, Utrecht University, Netherlands
Begoña Clavel-Arroitia, Utrecht University, Netherlands

About the Presenter(s)
Kristi Jauregi-Ondarra, Utrecht Univ. Assoc. Prof., researches virtual exchanges' impact on language learning, intercultural competence, and innovative pedagogical methods. Active in European projects and prolific CALL publications.

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