Investigating the Way Contextual Teaching and Learning Approach Improves Senior High School Students’ Writing Skill in Indonesia (74916)
Session Chair: Geraint Paul Rees
Monday, 13 November 2023 11:20
Session: Session 2
Room: Room A (Live Stream)
Presentation Type: Live-Stream Presentation
The English language becomes a compulsory subject for high school students in Indonesia, and one of the most essential skills that students are required to acquire is writing. Nevertheless, it has been noted in previous research that students continue to encounter challenges when it comes to perform a task of writing. This study aims to investigate how contextual teaching and learning approach facilitates students’ improvement in their writing skill. The study involves 35 eleventh grade students in one public high school located in Kabupaten Bogor, West Java province, Indonesia. The study employed a qualitative research design, utilizing a learning journal as the primary instrument for data collection. The data was analyzed by content analysis based on the four characteristics of contextual teaching and learning approach as outlined by Johnson (2002). These characteristics including doing significant work, fostering self-regulated learning, promoting collaborating, and facilitating the development of critical thinking skills. The findings of the study indicate that the contextual teaching and learning approach contributes to the enhancement of writing skills among high school students through four distinct ways. The components encompassed includes: 1) the creation of meaningful tasks, 2) the obtainment of information independently, 3) collaboration within a group setting, and 4) the practice of asking questions. All in all, it is recommended that the implementation of contextual teaching and learning be considered as a viable alternative approach for teaching writing within the senior high school context.
Abstract Summary
This study explores the way the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) approach improves senior high school students' writing skills. The participants include 35 eleventh grade students who study at one public high school located in Kabupaten Bogor, West Java province, Indonesia. A qualitative research design was employed, and a learning journal became the instrument for data collection. Moreover, the data was analyzed by content analysis in accordance with four CTL characteristics by Johnson (2002). The result found that there are four ways that the CTL approach helps improve students' writing skills, which are: 1)making meaningful task, 2)gathering information independently, 3)collaborating, and 4)asking questions.
Adzkiya Noor Ifadha Rahman, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
Maneerat Ekkayokkaya, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
About the Presenter(s)
Adzkiya Noor Ifadha Rahman is an M.Ed TEFL candidate from Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. Along with her thesis advisor, Professor Maneerat Ekkayokkaya, Ph.D, she finishes her master thesis which focused on writing ability and CTL Approach.
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