Investigating the Use of Smartphone in a Flipped Classroom for English Language Learners in India (75585)

Session Information: Online and Mobile Learning
Session Chair: Kalyan Chattopadhyay

Saturday, 11 November 2023 11:45
Session: Session 2
Room: Sri Sachanalai
Presentation Type: Paper Presentation

All presentation times are UTC + 7 (Asia/Bangkok)

Despite aversion to the use of technology, the onslaught of Covid left the researcher with no option but to use mobile technology to continue teaching-learning for middle school English language learners. The initiative was not without its challenges. Although around ninety percent learners had access to smartphones, only very few had personal smartphone. Secondly, the school had neither a Learning Management System nor enough computers for teachers to develop e-learning materials for their learners. Thirdly, Teachers could not access internet from school. The talk will present a study on how despite these challenges the researcher used mobile technology for flipped learning to continue learning-teaching of English language in synchronous and asynchronous mode for a class of thirty one 7th graders during the closure of schools due to the Pandemic. Starting with a description of contextual challenges the presenter will talk about use of video clips through WhatsApp on smartphones for creating asynchronous as well as synchronous learning opportunities. Next, the session will focus on use of Quizziz, Google form and Padlet using smartphones for problem-based learning and collaborative learning to overcome a number of challenges and motivate learners and also evaluate them. With reference to the impact assessment based on student-scores and their feedback on their experience of flipped learning the researcher will suggest, as envisioned in NEP 2020, that teacher education policy makers from similar contexts may benefit by making ‘mobile technology for flipped learning’ an integral part of mainstream in-service English language teacher education curriculum .

Abstract Summary
The talk will present a classroom-based action research on using mobile technology through smartphone for flipped learning in an English language classroom for 31 learners of grade seven during the Pandemic. It will explore the impact of using video clips through WhatsApp group to create opportunity for self learning before a class. It will also focus on use of Quizziz, Padlet and Google form for creating opportunities of flipped learning using the pedagogies of cooperative, collaborative and problem-based learning. The paper will conclude with the suggestion of integrating ‘use of mobile technology’ into the core curriculum of mainstream in-service teacher education for English language teachers.

Kuheli Mukherjee, Sakhawat Memorial Govt. Girls' High School, India

About the Presenter(s)
Ms Kuheli Mukherjee is a School Teacher/Instructor at Sakhawat Memorial Govt. Girls' High School, Kolkata in India

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