Virtual Exchange in a MOOC (Camp) (78018)
Session Chair: Napat Jitpaisarnwattana
Saturday, 11 November 2023 09:30
Session: Session 1
Room: Sri Sachanalai
Presentation Type: Paper Presentation
This case study will detail how a CALL program fostered global connections in education through the use of a MOOC. The U.S. Department of State fostered an initiative to create in-person or online communities of practice based on online MOOCs called MOOC Camps. The model has been widely successful in developing countries with participants earning certificates of completion and bridging the skills gap with high-quality education content. Participants from the three countries (Indonesia, Japan, and Mongolia) completed the asynchronous MOOC (English for STEM) and met online weekly to collaborate and engage in cross-cultural communication. This aimed to strengthen the breadth and depth of knowledge presented in the MOOC and create a space for learning and collaboration irrespective of place. The project fostered international collaboration by connecting learners from other parts of the world and providing them with a forum to exchange ideas on global issues. The international participants discussed: deforestation in Indonesia, nonrenewable energy usage in Mongolia, and rising sea levels in Japan. Compiling 211 weekly reflections across five weeks, some themes emerged: intercultural communications, increased motivation, active learning, global connectivity, and collaboration. One participant reported, “The MOOC Camp virtual meet-up gave me a new perspective on the world and broadened my horizons. Discussions with participants from other countries make me recognize that we are suffering from different problems, but at the same time, we share the same planet together”
Thomas Kauffman, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, United States
About the Presenter(s)
Thomas Kaufmann is a graduate student at the University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana in Learning Design and Leadership in the Department of Education Policy and Leadership specializing in MOOCs and communities of practice.
See this presentation on the full schedule – Saturday Schedule
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